1:1 Coaching
We coach leaders, individual members of leadership teams, and middle managers in 1 on 1 coaching spaces.
We coach leaders, individual members of leadership teams, and middle managers in 1 on 1 coaching spaces. We believe that you, our clients, are whole, wise, and highly knowledgeable about your personal and professional development. We aim to draw out your wisdom through inquiry, curiosity, genuine compassion, gentle provocation, and challenges to help you stretch into your best and fullest capacity. Our responsibility to you is to discover, clarify, and align with what you want to achieve, to encourage your own self-discovery, and to elicit your own, self-generated solutions and strategies.
Everyone’s coaching journey is unique; the process is entirely your own. That said, you can expect the following from coaching:
A 1:1, confidential, trusting, and professional relationship that aims to motivate, inspire confidence, and encourage action.
A collaborative process of learning, sharing information, and setting goals - the decision of what to work on remains with you.
An opportunity to reflect about your work, and likely your balance of work and life, and the boundaries you create.
Practice in dealing with challenges and relationships using the safety of the coaching environment.
An ability to link your own development of emotional intelligence competencies, exploration, and learning to actual interactions and work.
We offer coaching in packages in cycles of four 1-hour sessions. The cost for each cycle is $1,000. We recommend a minimum of a full cycle to begin creating the coaching space; from there we will co-design the experience to meet your specific growth goals. Clients typically engage in a minimum of three full coaching cycles.
“Jenna brings incredible kindness and humanity to her coaching. In my work with her, I felt challenged to re-examine beliefs, attitudes and patterns, and at the same time fully supported in doing the deep and sometimes scary work of transformation in my growth as a person and as a leader. Jenna listens deeply and has a real gift for helping her clients find clarity and develop solutions to the challenges they face. She is action-oriented without losing sight of the whole person. She brings a truly holistic approach to leadership development, and she honors the mental, emotional and spiritual elements of personal growth.”
“Stacy is compassionate and knowledgeable... In my coaching sessions, she was able to validate how I was feeling, but also give me the push I needed to find solutions. She is big on encouraging you to focus on your actual goals and not the ones that society expects from you. ”